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Jack Edwards

From Doubt to Faith: How These Christian Books for Non-Believers Changed My Life

Good Christian Books for Non-Believers

If you are not a Christian, you might wonder why you should read Christian books at all. Maybe you think they are boring, irrelevant, or biased. Maybe you have had bad experiences with Christians or the church. Maybe you are curious about Christianity but don't know where to start.

good christian books for non-believers

Whatever your reason, we want to assure you that there are many good Christian books out there that can enrich your life, challenge your worldview, and inspire your imagination. Christian books are not just about theology or morality; they are also about history, culture, art, science, and human experience. They can help you understand yourself, others, and the world better.

In this article, we will introduce you to 10 of the best Christian books for non-believers. These books are not meant to convert you or preach to you; they are meant to invite you to explore the Christian faith from different perspectives and with an open mind. We hope that you will find something that interests you and sparks your curiosity.


Why read Christian books as a non-believer?

There are many benefits to reading Christian books as a non-believer. Here are some of them:

  • You can learn more about Christianity and its history, beliefs, practices, and diversity. Christianity is one of the major religions in the world and has influenced many aspects of human civilization. Reading Christian books can help you gain a deeper and broader understanding of this faith and its followers.

  • You can discover new ideas and perspectives that can challenge your assumptions and expand your horizons. Christian books can offer you insights into topics such as morality, ethics, spirituality, meaning, purpose, suffering, hope, love, justice, and more. You might find yourself agreeing or disagreeing with some of them, but either way, you will be stimulated to think critically and creatively.

  • You can enjoy the beauty and creativity of Christian literature and art. Christian books are not only informative but also entertaining. They can tell captivating stories, create vivid characters, use poetic language, and employ various literary devices. They can also reflect the beauty and complexity of God's creation and human nature.

  • You can connect with other people who have read or are reading the same books. Reading Christian books can open up opportunities for dialogue and friendship with Christians and non-Christians alike. You can share your thoughts, questions, opinions, and experiences with others who have similar or different views. You can also learn from their feedback and perspectives.

What to look for in a good Christian book?

Not all Christian books are created equal. Some are better than others in terms of quality, relevance, and impact. Here are some criteria to help you choose a good Christian book:

  • It is written by a credible and qualified author. The author should have the appropriate credentials, expertise, and experience to write about the topic. The author should also be honest, respectful, and humble in presenting his or her views.

  • It is based on solid research and evidence. The book should provide accurate and reliable information, facts, and data to support its claims. The book should also acknowledge its sources, limitations, and possible objections.

  • It is clear and coherent in its structure and style. The book should have a logical and consistent flow of ideas, arguments, and examples. The book should also use clear and engaging language, grammar, and punctuation.

  • It is relevant and applicable to your context and needs. The book should address topics that are interesting, important, and meaningful to you. The book should also offer practical guidance, advice, or solutions that you can apply to your own life.

  • It is respectful and gracious in its tone and attitude. The book should not be arrogant, condescending, or judgmental towards other views or people. The book should also not be manipulative, coercive, or sensationalist in its approach or purpose.

Top 10 Christian Books for Non-Believers

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis


Mere Christianity is one of the most popular and influential Christian books of the 20th century. It is based on a series of radio broadcasts that C.S. Lewis gave during World War II to explain the basic beliefs of Christianity to a general audience. Lewis was a former atheist who became a Christian after a long intellectual journey. He was also a renowned professor of literature and a gifted writer of fiction and non-fiction.

In this book, Lewis presents Christianity as a rational and reasonable faith that can appeal to anyone who is willing to follow the clues of nature, morality, and logic. He covers topics such as the existence and nature of God, the problem of evil, the moral law, the divinity and humanity of Jesus, the meaning of his death and resurrection, the role of the Holy Spirit, the nature of the church, and the Christian virtues. He also addresses some common objections and misunderstandings about Christianity from both skeptics and believers.

Why it's good for non-believers

Mere Christianity is good for non-believers because it offers a clear and compelling introduction to the core doctrines of Christianity from an intellectual perspective. Lewis does not assume any prior knowledge or acceptance of Christianity; he starts from common ground and builds his case step by step using analogies, illustrations, and examples that are easy to understand and relate to. He also does not shy away from tackling difficult questions or challenges that might arise from his arguments; he responds to them with honesty, humility, and humor.

Mere Christianity is also good for non-believers because it shows that Christianity is not a blind faith or a mere emotion; it is a reasonable faith that can satisfy both the mind and the heart. Lewis demonstrates that Christianity is not only true but also beautiful and good; it offers a coherent worldview that makes sense of reality and provides a solid foundation for morality, meaning, purpose, and hope.

The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel


The Case for Christ is a best-selling book that chronicles the personal investigation of Lee Strobel into the historical evidence for Jesus Christ. Strobel was a former atheist who worked as an award-winning legal journalist for the Chicago Tribune. He became interested in Christianity when his wife converted to the faith after encountering a local church. He decided to use his journalistic skills to examine the claims of Christianity as if he were covering a court case.

the significance of his death and resurrection, and the impact of his followers. He also shares his personal journey of how he went from skepticism to faith as he encountered the evidence for Christ.

Why it's good for non-believers

The Case for Christ is good for non-believers because it presents a thorough and objective investigation of the historical facts and arguments for Christianity. Strobel does not assume that the reader is already convinced or interested in Christianity; he approaches the topic as a skeptic who wants to find out the truth for himself. He also does not rely on his own opinions or interpretations; he consults with experts who have the relevant credentials, experience, and reputation to provide reliable and credible answers.

The Case for Christ is also good for non-believers because it shows that Christianity is not a blind faith or a mere tradition; it is a historical faith that can be verified and validated by evidence. Strobel demonstrates that Christianity is not based on myths or legends; it is based on eyewitness accounts, historical records, archaeological discoveries, and logical deductions. He also shows that Christianity is not a irrelevant or outdated faith; it is a relevant and living faith that can transform lives and societies.

The Reason for God by Timothy Keller


The Reason for God is a popular and influential book that addresses some of the most common doubts and objections that people have about Christianity in the modern world. Timothy Keller is a pastor, theologian, and apologist who founded and leads Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, one of the most influential churches in America. He has extensive experience in engaging with skeptics, seekers, and believers from various backgrounds and cultures.

In this book, Keller divides his argument into two parts. In the first part, he responds to seven major challenges to Christianity, such as the problem of evil and suffering, the exclusivity of salvation, the clash of science and religion, the oppression of women and minorities, the violence of Christian history, and the irrelevance of Christian morality. In the second part, he presents seven positive reasons for believing in Christianity, such as the clues of God's existence in nature and morality, the beauty and uniqueness of Jesus Christ, the historical evidence for his resurrection, the fulfillment of human needs and desires by his grace, the power of his Spirit to change lives and communities, and the hope of his future restoration of all things.

Why it's good for non-believers

The Reason for God is good for non-believers because it addresses some of the most pressing and relevant questions that people have about Christianity in a respectful and thoughtful way. Keller does not dismiss or ignore the doubts and objections that people have; he acknowledges them as valid and important concerns that deserve serious consideration. He also does not resort to simplistic or dogmatic answers; he engages with them with nuance, depth, and balance.

The Reason for God is also good for non-believers because it offers some of the most compelling and attractive reasons for believing in Christianity in a clear and persuasive way. Keller does not rely on emotional appeals or subjective experiences; he uses reason, logic, evidence, and examples to make his case. He also does not present Christianity as a dry or dull system of beliefs; he shows how Christianity is a dynamic and joyful relationship with God that can satisfy our deepest longings and aspirations.

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis


The Screwtape Letters is a classic and creative work of fiction that exposes the subtle and sinister ways that evil influences human beings. It is written as a series of letters from a senior demon named Screwtape to his nephew Wormwood, a junior tempter who is assigned to corrupt a young man who has recently become a Christian. Screwtape advises Wormwood on how to exploit the weaknesses, temptations, distractions, doubts, fears, and follies of his patient in order to prevent him from growing in his faith and becoming closer to God.

and traps that the devil and his agents use to deceive and destroy human souls. He also shows the grace, truth, and love that God and his angels use to protect and save human souls.

Why it's good for non-believers

The Screwtape Letters is good for non-believers because it offers a unique and insightful perspective on the reality and nature of evil and its effects on human beings. Lewis does not portray evil as a abstract or impersonal force; he portrays it as a personal and intelligent enemy that has a strategy and a goal to ruin us. He also does not portray evil as a glamorous or attractive thing; he portrays it as a miserable and repulsive thing that leads to suffering and despair.

The Screwtape Letters is also good for non-believers because it challenges them to examine their own lives and choices in light of the spiritual realities that surround them. Lewis does not spare anyone from his sharp and witty criticism; he exposes the flaws and follies of both believers and non-believers alike. He also does not leave anyone without hope or help; he points them to the way of escape and salvation that is found in God alone.

The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer


The Pursuit of God is a devotional and inspirational book that invites readers to experience a deeper and more intimate relationship with God. A.W. Tozer was a pastor, writer, and mystic who had a passion for God and his glory. He was known for his powerful preaching, profound writing, and personal holiness.

In this book, Tozer explores the nature and attributes of God, such as his transcendence, immanence, wisdom, sovereignty, love, grace, mercy, justice, holiness, and beauty. He also explains the conditions and means of pursuing God, such as faith, repentance, obedience, humility, prayer, worship, meditation, and surrender. He also describes the benefits and results of pursuing God, such as joy, peace, freedom, power, fruitfulness, and vision.

Why it's good for non-believers

The Pursuit of God is good for non-believers because it introduces them to a personal and living God who is worthy of their attention and affection. Tozer does not present God as a distant or abstract concept; he presents him as a real and active person who reveals himself to us through his creation, his word, his spirit, his son, and his people. He also does not present God as a demanding or harsh master; he presents him as a loving and gracious father who invites us to know him and enjoy him.

The Pursuit of God is also good for non-believers because it inspires them to seek after God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Tozer does not settle for a superficial or formal religion; he calls for a sincere and fervent devotion that transcends rituals, doctrines, or traditions. He also does not offer a easy or cheap grace; he urges for a radical and costly discipleship that involves sacrifice, commitment, and transformation.

The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller


theologian, and apologist who founded and leads Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, one of the most influential churches in America. He has extensive experience in engaging with skeptics, seekers, and believers from various backgrounds and cultures.

In this book, Keller argues that the parable of the prodigal son is not just about the younger son who rebelled against his father and wasted his inheritance, but also about the older son who obeyed his father and earned his inheritance. He shows that both sons represent two ways of being lost: one by breaking the rules and one by keeping the rules. He also shows that both sons need the same thing: the grace and love of the father who is prodigal, meaning extravagant and lavish, in his generosity and forgiveness.

Why it's good for non-believers

The Prodigal God is good for non-believers because it challenges their assumptions and stereotypes about Christianity and its message. Keller does not portray Christianity as a religion of rules or rituals; he portrays it as a relationship of grace and love. He also does not portray Christianity as a exclusive or elitist club; he portrays it as a inclusive and diverse family.

The Prodigal God is also good for non-believers because it invites them to experience the radical and revolutionary grace and love of God for themselves. Keller does not present God as a distant or angry judge; he presents him as a close and compassionate father. He also does not present God as a stingy or demanding creditor; he presents him as a generous and forgiving benefactor.

The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey


The Jesus I Never Knew is a personal and honest book that explores the life and teachings of Jesus Christ from a fresh and realistic perspective. Philip Yancey is a journalist, editor, and author who has written many best-selling books on Christian topics. He grew up in a fundamentalist church that taught him a distorted and superficial view of Jesus. He later embarked on a journey of rediscovering Jesus through reading the Gospels, studying history, visiting the Holy Land, and interviewing various experts and witnesses.

In this book, Yancey shares his discoveries and reflections on who Jesus really was and what he really said and did. He covers topics such as the birth, childhood, baptism, temptation, miracles, parables, sermon on the mount, transfiguration, trial, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and return of Jesus. He also examines the impact and implications of Jesus' words and actions on his followers, his enemies, his culture, and his world.

Why it's good for non-believers

The Jesus I Never Knew is good for non-believers because it introduces them to a Jesus who is more than a religious figure or a moral teacher; he is a historical person who lived in a specific time and place and had a unique personality and mission. Yancey does not present Jesus as a myth or a legend; he presents him as a fact and a reality. He also does not present Jesus as a bland or boring character; he presents him as a fascinating and intriguing individual.

and power over all things and who offers grace and salvation to all who trust in him. Yancey does not present Jesus as a distant or indifferent deity; he presents him as a close and personal God. He also does not present Jesus as a easy or cheap option; he presents him as a challenging and costly choice.

The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer


The Cost of Discipleship is a classic and influential book that calls Christians to follow Jesus Christ with radical obedience and commitment. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a pastor, theologian, and martyr who lived and died in Nazi Germany. He was one of the few Christians who resisted Hitler and his regime and joined the plot to assassinate him. He was arrested and executed for his involvement in the conspiracy.

In this book, Bonhoeffer contrasts two types of Christianity: cheap grace and costly grace. Cheap grace is the grace that we claim without repentance, obedience, or discipleship. It is the grace that we abuse and take for granted. It is the grace that leads to spiritual complacency and hypocrisy. Costly grace is the grace that we receive with repentance, obedience, and discipleship. It is the grace that we cherish and appreciate. It is the grace that leads to spiritual transformation and holiness.

Bonhoeffer also explains what it means to follow Jesus in various aspects of life, such as faith, baptism, communion, prayer, fellowship, service, suffering, and martyrdom. He uses the Sermon on the Mount as his main source of guidance and inspiration.

Why it's good for non-believers

The Cost of Discipleship is good for non-believers because it exposes the true nature and demands of Christianity and its message. Bonhoeffer does not sugarcoat or water down the gospel; he presents it as it is: a call to die to self and live for Christ. He also does not compromise or conform to the culture; he challenges it with the truth and justice of God.

The Cost of Discipleship is also good for non-believers because it exemplifies the true character and impact of Christianity and its followers. Bonhoeffer does not only write about discipleship; he lives it out in his own life. He also does not only talk about grace; he shows it in his own actions. He demonstrates what it means to love God and love others with courage, conviction, and compassion.

The Shack by William P. Young


The Shack is a novel and a movie that tells the story of Mackenzie Phillips, a man who suffers a great tragedy when his youngest daughter is kidnapped and murdered by a seri


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